there are many. to review:
- don't have to watch your figure, no love handles.
- never have to get a haircut.
- don't get carded at the liquor store.
- not paying taxes.
- you can always add on an inch, if you know what i mean.
anything else?
benefits of being a stick figure
12:05 PM
blah blah blah
seriously. i guess i am bored. bobbed out (sounds so much better than petered - ya know - and who the h-e-double hockey sticks is peter anyway?).
so i was googling the other we all google our names - come on, i know you do it. but have you ever googled your name - with an expletive after it? for example: bob sucks
it's not good.
people don't like bob. although most of the negativity is geared towards the absorbent one - sir sponge. there are pages and pages of people who have it in for the poor misguided sea creature - who befriended the somewhat slow starfish patrick.
awwww....poor guy.
go ahead - google your name and sucks. do share.
bob on, my friends.
11:17 AM